
I'm part of the leadership team at Ziax, a games development and online services company with a focus around Minecraft.I've been looking after the systems and networking infrastructure since 2013, since then, excellent player experience and good connectivity have become a passion of mine.


ConFuzzled is the largest furry convention in the UK.I'm part of the team and look after Video at the convention. We live stream and record two stages with multiple cameras and live vision mixing.The ConFuzzled TV Website has all of our recorded shows.

Pride Cymru

Pride Cymru is an organisation that works year round to fight against discrimination.They also run a yearly festival in Cardiff in celebration of Pride.I am part of their core team and work on tech, networking and video for the festival.

Getting in touch

Feel free to get in touch with me on any of my social channels, or message me directly on whatever chat platform you prefer.I'm happy to chat and I am always open to making new connections!